About Me

Hello, I'm Anup and I maintain this website in my free time.

I am working as R&D engineer and enjoy working on varied projects. Some of which you can find here.

You could treat this as a personal database of my life. This website is no way complete and shall never will be, please expect unfinished notes and artwork here.


Why emphasise Free (as in Freedom)?
“Free software” means software that respects users' freedom and community.

Roughly, it means that the users have the freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software. Thus, “free software” is a matter of liberty, not price.

To understand the concept, you should think of “free” as in “free speech,” not as in “free beer.” We sometimes call it “libre software,” borrowing the French or Spanish word for “free” as in freedom, to show we do not mean the software is gratis.

source: GNU - What is Free Software?

I have been a big admirer of the FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) community for its commitment to personal liberty, inclusive human progress, and drive for innovation.

Apart from grandiose sounding words and principles, FOSS brings a noticeable positive change in my personal life. Linux gives me the ability to learn computing without a barrier to entry, Arch Wiki guides me through daunting tasks, and Firefox keeps my privacy free of Google's control.

I consider all the libre software to be a collective achievement of humankind, past, present, and future, which not only deserves the due celebration, but also warrants its rapid expansion and adoption.

I feel far happier paying a small fee to a GNOME / KDE developer passionately building one of the best-looking and usable operating systems than giving it to Microsoft, which is upto no good.

Why digital garden?

I wanted this website not to be a "showpiece" of my skills but a place where I actively experiment and share stuff I care about.

Partly due to my aversion to social media and partly because of my attraction towards memex sites, I decided to also integrate my activity logs like movies watched, anime reviews over here.

I am still not sure what this website will evolve into or when I will maintain it. Just like a garden in real life, it will take its form, and I will try my best to tend to its needs.

Why static website?

Static websites display the same information no matter who visites or when they visit. In that sense, they are dumb and low-tech, but the advantage of static websites is that anyone can inspect them, see how they are built, and ideally copy them.

Most websites today load dynamically, "react" to user inputs, and are unnecessarily bloated. I do not need to take so much space on the internet and cause an unnecessary increase in my carbon footprint. Hence I choose simpler, lighter, easy-to-imitate static websites.

Why PixelArt? I wanted most of the content on this site to be original or atleast transformed by me in some shape or form. Sadly I am really bad at art, and PixelArt is easy. :-)


This Website is created using Meengi. Meengi was designed for creating static websites similar to this. Meengi is free to use and requires some basic knowledge of the html and css. Please feel free to use it as you wish!



The license applies to all the documented projects, the projects themselves and their assets. The platform code is under the GPL-3.0 license. The assets and text content are under the BY-NC-SA4.0 License.

You are free to: Under the following terms:


Here are some of my sources and inspirations,